Parent Coaching and Consultations

We provide consultative services for children and adolescents aged 2 to 17, and adults 18+.

Consultations provide focused services to ensure meaningful goals are identified and taught in the learner’s natural environment. These consultations will include a large parent training component and some one-to-one time with the learner. It is important for parents to learn ABA strategies specific to their learner's needs, as well as general ABA principles.

Our consultations are recommended to be delivered in 13-week service blocks, starting at 2 hours/week. An individualized service plan will be determined as part of the learner's transition to therapy, and a cost estimate will be provided.

We have also worked with community organizations to help faciliate Urgent Response Services through the Ontario Autism Program. If you have questions about URS, please contact your area's lead organization. They would be the ones to arrange services with a third-party organization if needed.

Intake Process

This is the first step in the intake process for consultative services at Best Behaviour.
If you are an existing client or have worked with us in the past, please reach out directly to inquire about registering. An intake form (as well as other portions of this intake process) may not be necessary.

Upon receipt and review of the completed intake form, we will follow up with you to share an update regarding availability, and schedule a Discovery Call.

Your completed intake form will be passed on to one of our senior clinical team members. They will schedule a 15-minute discovery call to further discuss group ABA therapy, availability, and answer any questions you may have.

If we are able to accommodate your service request and you decide that you would like to register for consultative services, we will schedule an initial assessment.

If it is determined that you will need to wait for services, your intake form will be saved and we will reach out to you when an opening comes available.

Before beginning ABA consultations, we will complete a full initial assessment. You can read more about Phase 1 of the initial assessment process here.

If after reviewing the assessment report, you decide that you would like to register for subsequent services, a registration form will be shared with you. This form can be completed electronically. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about this form, or help you complete it over the phone. Once your registration form has been completed, this marks the beginning of your service agreement with Best Behaviour. Welcome!

We will then move onto Phase 2 of the initial assessment process, which includes program and team set up. You can read more about Phase 2 of the initial assessment process here.

Your therapist will begin sessions.

Since the nature of these consultations are to include parent-mediated components, session length and durations may change as the consultation progresses. The proportion of direct and indirect hours may also change, to meet the learner and family's needs during the consultation and to ensure a meaningful transition at the end of the consultation.

At the end of the consultation, a transition report will be shared. The purpose of this report is to summarize the learner's goals to date and recommendations for next steps (including strategies to continue and any potential service extensions).


Consultations will be billed at an hourly rate of $150.00/hour. This applies to direct hours spent with the learner and family, and any indirect hours used to support the learner's programming.

Travel time will be billed at an hourly rate of $150.00/hour. This will be discussed at the time of registration, based on the details of the learner's therapy session plan (therapist schedule, location, budget etc.). Travel time is defined as the therapist's time spent driving to the agreed upon therapy location (ex. the learner's home, or a community location). Travel time may also include the therapist's time driving to their next appointment, if the agreed upon therapy location requires additional travel that is out of the way or if the therapist is returning back to the centre located at 15 Willow Street. Travel time is billed at the regular hourly rate, reflective of the therapist's travel time for each in-person session. It is important to note that we will make every effort to minimize travel costs, and ensure our travel plans are both economical and reasonable. Travel time is not billed for centre-based sessions at the centre located at 15 Willow Street.

Requests to collaborate with other professionals (ex. school staff, other therapists working with the learner etc.) are welcomed. This additional time would be billed at the regular hourly rate.

An invoice will be emailed biweekly, totalling the bill for the previous bi-weekly billing period’s services. For example, an invoice will be sent on June 16th for the services provided June 1-14.

Please note that any materials that will be consumed by the learner (ex. edible reinforcement), disposed of after use (ex. diapers and wipes) or that the Parent/Guardian intends to keep when therapy is terminated (ex. PECS binder, iPad) must be purchased by the Parent/Guardian. Community memberships and activity fees incurred during community outings are also to be purchased by the Parent/Guardian.

Cancellation Policy

The following cancellation policy will be included in your Consultation Registration Form: