Policies and Procedures

Please review the following company policies.

Privacy Policy - Written Statement

Best Behaviour Inc. is committed to protecting personal information and keeping it safe. We collect, use and disclose personal information in order to serve our clients and maintain accurate client and team member records. For our clients, we collect personal health information to provide ABA Therapy and Psychotherapy services as follows:


We will collect, use and disclose only as much personal health information as is needed to achieve these purposes. You can withhold or withdraw your consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal health information by contacting us (details below).


You Can Access Your Health Records

You have the right to seek access to your health records that we keep and to ask us to correct a record if you believe it is inaccurate or incomplete. Please contact us for more information.


To access a full copy of our Privacy Policy and Procedures, please visit https://www.bestbehaviour.ca/policies.


Questions or Concerns

1.     Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

2.     College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario

Privacy Policy and Procedures

 Best Behaviour Inc. is committed to protecting personal health information and keeping it safe. The following policies and procedures have been introduced to ensure personal information is handled with care and kept private, according to the rules and regulations enacted in the Province of Ontario and within the professional fields represented by the team members at Best Behaviour Inc.


In 2004, Ontario enacted the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (“PHIPA”). PHIPA follows the same principles as the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, 2000(“PIPEDA”), however it provides much more specific guidance about the handling of personal health information. PHIPA applies to any collection, use or disclosure of personal health information by a health information custodian (“HIC”).


Definition of Personal Health Information


Who We Are


Permission to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Health Information


Why We Collect Personal Health Information

o   Related Purpose #1: To obtain payment for services provided. Payment may be obtained from the individual, private insurers, or others (ex. Ontario Autism Program).

o   Related Purpose #2: To conduct quality improvement and risk management activities. We review client files to ensure that we provide high quality services, including assessing the performance of our staff. External consultants (ex. auditors, lawyers, practice consultants) may conduct audits and quality improvement reviews on our behalf.

o   Related Purpose #3: To comply with external regulators. Our professionals regulated by a College may be subject to an inspection of our records as a part of regulatory activities in the public interest. Each College has its own strict confidentiality and privacy obligations. In addition, as professionals, we will report serious misconduct, incompetence or incapacity of other practitioners, whether they belong to other organizations or our own. Also, Best Behaviour Inc. believes that it should report information suggesting illegal behaviour to the authorities. In addition, we may be required by law to disclose personal health information to various government agencies (e.g. Ministry of Health, children’s aid societies, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Information and Privacy Commissioner, etc.).

o   Related Purpose #4: To promote our centre, services, special events and professional opportunities that we have available. We will always obtain express consent prior to

to collecting or handling personal health information for this purpose.

o   Related Purpose #5: To educate our team members and students. We value the education and development of future and current professionals. We may review client records in order to educate our team members and students about the provision of ABA Therapy and Psychotherapy.

o   Related Purpose #6: To facilitate the sale of our organization. If the organization or its assets were to be sold, the potential purchaser would want to conduct a “due diligence” review of the organization’s records to ensure that it is a viable business that has been honestly portrayed. The potential purchaser must first enter into an agreement with the organization to keep the information confidential and secure and not to retain any of the information longer than necessary to conduct the due diligence. Once a sale has been finalized, the organization may transfer records to the purchaser, but it will make reasonable efforts to provide notice to the individual before doing so.

·      Best Behaviour Inc. does not collect personal health information for the purpose of regular communication about services or advertising, in compliance with Canada’s anti-spam legislation.


Disclosing Personal Health Information Without Consent


Protecting Personal Health Information

o   Paper information is either under supervision or secured in a locked or restricted area when not in use. This may be at the primary office of 15 Willow Street, or the client’s home. Clients are informed of how to store their personal health information in accordance with these professional standards.

o   Electronic hardware is either under supervision or secured in a locked or restricted area after hours. In addition, strong passwords are used on all computers and mobile devices.

o   Personal health information is only stored on mobile devices if necessary. All personal health information stored on mobile devices is protected by strong passwords, and deleted when it is no longer needed or moved to a more secure form of electronic cloud-based storage. The cloud-based storage of choice at Best Behaviour Inc. is Google Drive.

o   When transporting personal information, team members have been instructed to ensure the information is secured, and under supervision at all times.

o   All efforts will be made to ensure personal health information isn’t overheard or overseen when personal health information is being transported or accessed in a public location.

o   Paper information is transferred through sealed, addressed envelopes or boxes by reputable companies with strong privacy policies.

o   Electronic information is either anonymized or encrypted before being transmitted, and accompanied by a privacy clause.

o   When telehealth services are being provided, only secure platforms will be used. Google Meet and Jane App are the platforms of choice, however any platform that is compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA") is acceptable.

o   Our team members are trained to collect, use and disclose personal information only as necessary to fulfill their duties and in accordance with this privacy policy.

o   We do not post any personal information about our clients or identifiable photos on social media sites, and our team members are trained on the appropriate use of social media sites.

o   External consultants and agencies with access to personal information must also agree to fulfill their duties in accordance with this privacy policy.


Retention and Destruction of Personal Health Information


You Can Look at Your Records


How We Respond to a Privacy Breach


1.     Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

2.     College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts of Ontario

Conflict Resolution Policy

 Best Behaviour Inc. follows a conflict resolution process to address conflicts that arise. This policy applies to both team members and parents/caregivers. Having a policy ensures that all stakeholders know what is expected and that they are treated fairly in the event of a conflict.


Raising a Concern

Should a team member or parent/caregiver have a concern or experience a conflict, they are encouraged to communicate that concern directly to a supervisor. Communication may occur in-person, over the phone, or via email.


Conflict Resolution Process

The supervisor will initiate the conflict resolution process outlined below. Please note that Best Behaviour Inc. reserves the right to combine or skip steps, depending on the situation.

1.     Data Collection

·      The supervisor will provide acknowledgement of the problem to the person who raised the concern within 5 days of it being raised.

·      At this time, the supervisor will fill out a Conflict Resolution Log to note the primary concern and begin the data collection process.

·      Subsequent behaviours/incidents related to the original behaviour/incident that warranted the conflict resolution process will be monitored and recorded. 

2.     First Warning

·      At any point during the initial reporting or data collection phase, a first warning may be given as an acknowledgement of the problem to the individual.

·      The supervisor will discuss with them the nature of the problem or how their behaviour was in conflict with company policies, procedures and/or values. The supervisor will clearly describe the expectations and the steps the individual must take to improve their performance or resolve the problem.

·      Subsequent behaviours/incidents related to the original behaviour/incident that warranted the conflict resolution process will be monitored and recorded. 

3.     Second Warning

·      Should the problem continue, the supervisor may provide a second verbal warning.

·      The supervisor will re-describe the expectations and the steps the individual must take to improve their performance or resolve the problem, and notify their supervisor(s) for additional support as needed.

·      Subsequent behaviours/incidents related to the original behaviour/incident that warranted the conflict resolution process will be monitored and recorded.

4.     Final Written Warning

·      If the problem continues after 2 warnings, the supervisor will provide a third verbal warning.

·      The supervisor will re-describe the expectations and the steps the individual must take to improve their performance or resolve the problem.

·      Notify the individual that they will be provided with a final written warning, and that failure to improve performance or resolve the problem may result in termination.

·      Subsequent behaviours/incidents related to the original behaviour/incident that warranted the conflict resolution process will be monitored and recorded.

5.     Termination

·      This step is taken when all others have been exhausted.

·      The supervisor will meet with the Director to review all of the documentation related to the problem. The Director will outline the steps that will be taken should termination be required.


Documenting Conflict Resolution

Supervisors will document each step in the conflict resolution process using the Conflict Resolution Log. This document will be filed in the individual’s team member or client folder when the conflict is resolved. When an individual is named in a Conflict Resolution Log, they must be informed of the conflict that involves them (starting with Step 2), what stage in the conflict resolution process they are in, the consequences of further conflict, and the actions they can take to resolve it.


Behaviours Warranting Conflict Resolution for Team Members

Behaviours that warrant conflict resolution may include, but are not limited to, the following:

·      Failure to perform roles and responsibilities outlined in one’s job description

·      Dress code violations

·      Inappropriate behaviour with co-workers or clients

·      Attendance issues/frequent cancellations

·      Discrimination

·      Theft of physical and/or intellectual property

·      Theft of clients or staff

·      Complaints filed by other co-workers or clients

·      Complaints regarding company policies/procedures


Behaviours Warranting Conflict Resolution for Parents/Caregivers 

Behaviours that warrant conflict resolution may include, but are not limited to, the following:

·      Inability to provide the supports and/or resources needed to work towards important goals

·      Inappropriate behaviour with therapists

·      Attendance issues/frequent cancellations

·      Discrimination

·      Theft of physical and/or intellectual property

·      Theft of staff

·      Complaints filed by therapists

·      Complaints regarding company policies/procedures


Appeals Process

Individuals have the right to present evidence to refute the information that was used as the basis for the conflict. The supervisor will evaluate the evidence presented and decide on next steps.


Questions or Concerns

·      Best Behaviour Inc. welcomes feedback on the Conflict Resolution Policy. Sophia would be happy to discuss any concerns about this policy. She can be reached at (226) 755-0015 or sophiacatania@bestbehaviour.ca.

COVID-19 Policies and Procedures

March-June 2022 Update

The Province of Ontario released new guidelines on March 9, 2022 regarding the lifting of various COVID-19 emergency orders. The mandatory vaccination policies were revoked on March 14, most masking mandates were removed on March 21, the Reopening Ontario Act expired on March 28, and all remaining emergency orders were expected to be removed on April 27. A full description of this media release from the Ministry of Health can be found here.

Individual organizations were encouraged to keep their own requirements in place. After reviewing the responses from related ministries and services/programs (ex. Ministry of Education, child care, high risk settings, other ABA providers), we decided to continue to follow Public Health’s COVID-19 recommendations, prior to the March 9 announcement. This meant that all current protocols in place would continue to be followed regarding vaccinations, masks, and using the school screener.

On April 22, 2022, the Province of Ontario released an update that included continued masking requirements in select indoor settings until June 11. A full description of this media release from the Ministry of Health can be found here.

On June 8, 2022, the Province of Ontario confirmed that all remaining directives would be revoked and replaced with Ministry of Health guidance for health care workers and organizations, including guidance on when masks should be worn in hospitals and other health care settings. The full media release can be found here. Ontarians are encouraged to continue to wear a mask if they feel it is right for them, are at high risk for severe illness, recovering from COVID-19, have symptoms of the virus, or are a close contact of someone with COVID-19. Organizations may also choose to implement their own policies as applicable.

Based on this most recent update from the Chief Medical Officer of Health, and after evaluating the various COVID-19 policies that are being implemented across services similar to ABA services (ex. childcare, schools, regulated health care professionals, public health services etc.), we have decided to follow the direction of Public Health and lift any mandatory masking requirements. Team members and parents are encouraged to keep the discussion open, to ensure everyone feels comfortable with this transition. Some team members may choose to still wear a mask, and some parents may feel more comfortable with masks being worn during sessions. We will continue to work together to provide a service that is not only effective and meaningful for the families we support, but also that maintains the health and safety of everyone involved. The vaccination policy written below will shift to a recommendation vs. requirement, for all team members. Rapid antigen screening is no longer provided by Best Behaviour Inc. If rapid antigen screening is available in your community, we encourage everyone to take advantage of this resource.

No other changes will be made; meaning that we will continue to use the school screener to conduct daily self-assessments and follow best practices when it comes to hygiene and symptom management.

Best Behaviour Inc. has been working very hard to adjust services and provide meaningful accommodations during the COVID-19 pandemic, and will continue to do so. Our services have been deemed essential, according to the most recent guidelines introduced on January 12, 2021. See page 27 under ‘Health care and social services’.

We have been able to safely provide in-person services (in home and in centre) by following all of the recommendations outlined by Public Health. We will also continue to provide various virtual accommodations, at both the service and supervisory levels.

Self Assessments

The Government of Ontario has created a variety of self-assessment tools for individuals to use to screen and monitor COVID-19 symptoms.

We are asking all families to complete the school screener daily for their learner and other members of the household. Team members will also need to complete the school screener daily for themselves and members of their household. They may also complete a screener for the learner and/or family members upon arrival to session.

If everyone passes the screener, in-person services are deemed safe. If anyone does not, then the rest of the team should be notified and the recommendations listed on the screener will be followed.

Best Practices

The following precautions will be taken, in order to minimize everyone’s risk of exposure to COVID-19:


The Province of Ontario has issued a directive that requires hospital and home/community care service providers to have a COVID-19 vaccination policy for employees, staff, contractors, students, and volunteers. The vaccination policy must be effective no later than September 7, 2021, and at a minimum will require these individuals to provide proof of one of three things:

In response to this directive, Best Behaviour Inc. has implemented the following vaccination policy, effective September 7, 2021:

We will continue to monitor any updates regarding vaccinations, that would be relevant to our field of work and the learners we support.

At this time, full vaccination against COVID-19 is not mandatory for learners or families. The COVID-19 booster shots are also not required for team members, learners, or families.

Rapid Antigen Screening

Best Behaviour Inc. is enrolled in the Provincial Antigen Screening Program. This provides us with rapid antigen screening kits to be used for team members who work in-centre*. The Province of Ontario released new instructions around the use of rapid antigen tests on December 30, 2021. Due to the current shortage test availability, it is recommended that rapid antigen tests be used for “test-to-work” purposes. Asymptomatic team members can use them to return to work when they would otherwise be in isolation. Symptomatic team members can also use them to confirm if they have COVID-19 (with no requirement for a confirmatory PCR or rapid molecular test).

The results of all rapid antigen tests completed in-centre must be reported using the Google Form provided. Best Behaviour Inc. is required to report all rapid test results completed. Training on how to complete the screening and report results will be provided.

Team members who are not fully vaccinated and are required to complete a rapid antigen test every 72 hours may not use the tests provided at the centre. Please obtain tests from a community distributer. Personal rapid antigen test results do not need to be reported to Best Behaviour Inc. at this time. 

In the event that a team member receives a ‘positive’ result, they will be required to immediately cancel their sessions for the day and follow the subsequent recommendations from Public Health. We recognize the inconvenience this may cause families, however this is one of the ways we can help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community and workplace.

*Screening provided by Best Behaviour Inc. is not currently available for team members working in-home, clients, or families. However, if a team member working in-home requires a rapid antigen test for a ‘test-to-work’ purpose or to confirm if they have COVID-19, please contact Sophia Catania to confirm if a rapid antigen test can be made available.

If rapid antigen screening becomes available in your community, we encourage everyone to take advantage of this resource.

In-Centre Reminders

Here's what you can do to help us maintain a safe work environment at the centre:

Cancellation Policy Clarification

In light of Public Health recommendations that may result in an increased number of cancelled sessions, it is also important to review our 24-hour cancellation policy. For one-to-one sessions (as stated in the One-to-One Registration Form) …

Team members, please record the date/time you received notification of a cancelled session when tagging it as a Late Parent Cancellation on Clockify, in the description.

This applies to the first instance of a cancellation, not subsequent cancellations. For example, if SC is exhibiting symptoms and the self-assessment indicates that sessions will need to be cancelled until the learner is symptom free for 24 hours, that first cancelled session may be billed in full if it was cancelled less than 24 hours before the expected start of session. However, it is understood that all subsequent sessions are cancelled until further notice, so there would be no ‘Late Parent Cancellation’ charges for subsequent sessions. In this example, a parent would notify their therapy team when the learner has been symptom free for 24 hours and sessions would resume at the therapists’ earliest available start date.

Financial Benefit Programs

There are many financial benefit programs available to help families and workers facing hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. These programs include benefits geared towards caregivers, employees, and independent contractors, who may be required to stay home and self-isolate or who experience a significant drop in income due to someone else’s self-isolation.

Here is a list of the most up-to-date financial benefit programs.

Employees were eligible for the Ontario COVID-19 Worker Income Protection Benefit, however this program ended as of April 1, 2023.

Updated: September 12, 2023

Accessibility Policy

Best Behaviour Inc. is committed to meeting its current and ongoing obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code (“OHRC”) and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”). Best Behaviour Inc. understands that the AODA does not substitute or limit its obligations under the OHRC or obligations to people with disabilities under any other law.


Best Behaviour Inc. is committed to excellence in serving all clients and team members, including people with disabilities. The following policy is consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration, and equal opportunity for people with disabilities.


Assistive Devices




Service Animals

Support Persons


Notice of Temporary Disruption




Notice of Availability of Documents


Modifications to This or Other Accessibility Policies


Questions or Concerns

1.     Government of Ontario

Terms and Conditions

1. Terms

By accessing this website, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of service, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.

2. Use License

Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Best Behaviour Inc.'s website for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: modify or copy the materials, use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial), attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Best Behaviour Inc.'s website, remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials, transfer the materials to another person or "mirror" the materials on any other server. This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Best Behaviour Inc. at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.

3. Disclaimer

The materials on Best Behaviour Inc.'s website are provided on an 'as is' basis. Best Behaviour Inc. makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Best Behaviour Inc. does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its website or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

4. Limitations

In no event shall Best Behaviour Inc. or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Best Behaviour Inc.'s website, even if Best Behaviour Inc. or a Best Behaviour Inc. authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.

5. Accuracy of Materials

The materials appearing on Best Behaviour Inc.'s website could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Best Behaviour Inc. does not warrant that any of the materials on its website are accurate, complete or current. Best Behaviour Inc. may make changes to the materials contained on its website at any time without notice. However, Best Behaviour Inc. does not make any commitment to update the materials.

6. Links

Best Behaviour Inc. has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its website and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Best Behaviour Inc. of the site. Use of any such linked website is at the user's own risk.

7. Modifications

Best Behaviour Inc. may revise these terms of service for its website at any time without notice. By using this website, you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these terms of service.

8. Governing Law

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in that State or location.

Updated: November 2021