
We understand how overwhelming it can be to navigate a new diagnosis or your child's developmental milestones. There are many resources and supports available in the community to help, but it can be difficult to identify your child's individual needs.

Our team is available to complete a variety of different behaviour and skills assessments, to help you better understand your child's strengths and areas of need. Using a variety of direct and indirect assessment measures, we can help.

Our assessments may include a mix of in-situ observations, directly administered baseline assessments of one or many specific skills (including criterion-referenced measures), checklists or interviews completed with relevant others (ex. parents, teachers) about the learner, and conducting functional behavioural analyses of problematic behaviour.

Assessments are chosen based on your child's needs. A variety of assessments are often completed to help gather a wide range of information to be used to develop a strong understanding of your child.

Our team does not currently have the capacity to complete diagnostic assessments.

Intake Process

This is the first step in the intake process for assessment services at Best Behaviour.

Upon receipt and review of the completed intake form, we will follow up with you to share an update regarding availability, and schedule a Discovery Call.

Your completed intake form will be passed on to one of our senior clinical team members. They will schedule a 15-minute discovery call to further discuss group ABA therapy, availability, and answer any questions you may have.

If we are able to accommodate your service request and you decide that you would like to register for an assessment, an Assessment Registration Form will be shared with you. If a Medical Alert Form is applicable, that would be completed as well. Both of these forms can be completed electronically. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about these forms, or help you complete them over the phone. Once your registration form has been completed, the learner's file will be set up shared with you and members of our senior clinical team. We will reach out to schedule an intake meeting and begin the assessment.

If it is determined that you will need to wait for services, your intake form will be saved and we will reach out to you when an opening comes available.

Phase 1 of the initial assessment process includes the following steps:
a) Intake Meeting: A senior clinical team member will meet with you to discuss in more detail your child's strengths and areas of need, and what you hope to gain from this assessment. It is a chance for us to meet the learner and identify next steps regarding assessments, therapy goals, and subsequent services.
b) Assessment Session(s): After the intake meeting, appointments for any initial assessment sessions that need to be completed will be scheduled. During these sessions, we will use a variety of direct and indirect assessment measures to help gather a wide range of information to be used to develop a strong understanding of your child. Examples of assessments may include in-situ observations, directly administered baseline assessments of one or many specific skills (including criterion-referenced measures), checklists or interviews completed with relevant others (ex. parents, teachers) about the learner, and conducting functional behavioural analyses of problematic behaviour.
c) Assessment Review: The assessment results will be summarized and an assessment report will be prepared.
d) Assessment Report Meeting: The learner's assessment report will be shared in a meeting with you. The purpose of this meeting is to review the assessment results and therapy recommendations, and identify next steps.

If after reviewing the assessment report, you decide that you will not be proceeding with therapy, you are welcome to keep the learner's assessment report as a guide for any future therapy you may seek out.

If after reviewing the assessment report, you decide that you would like to register for subsequent services, a registration form will be shared with you. This form can be completed electronically. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about this form, or help you complete it over the phone. Once your registration form has been completed, this marks the beginning of your service agreement with Best Behaviour. Welcome!

We will then move onto Phase 2 of the initial assessment process:
e) Program Set Up: The necessary programs and materials will be prepared for the learner, in anticipation for their first day of therapy. A brief service package will also be shared. This will include information that will be helpful for you to have before the learner's first therapy session.
f) Team Set Up: The learner's therapy team will meet for a brief 30 minute meeting to familiarize everyone with the learner's profile and initial service plan, in anticipation for their first day of therapy.

Your therapist will begin sessions.


Initial assessments will be billed at an hourly rate of $70.00/hour. This applies to direct hours spent with the learner and family (ex. intake meeting, assessment sessions, service plan meeting), and any indirect hours used to support the learner's assessment (ex. assessment review, program set up, team set up).

The average cost of Phase 1 of the initial assessment process is $630. The average cost of Phase 2 of the initial assessment process is $245. The total cost will vary based on the learner's individual assessment and programming needs, however we will make every effort to stay within this range or come in under-budget.

Requests to collaborate with other professionals (ex. school staff, other therapists working with the learner etc.) are welcomed. This additional time would be billed at the regular hourly rate.

An invoice will be emailed biweekly, totalling the bill for the previous bi-weekly billing period’s services. For example, an invoice will be sent on June 16th for the services provided June 1-14.

Cancellation Policy

The following cancellation policy will be included in your Assessment Registration Form: